
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne suffers from task blindness

Marie-Lyne seems categorically unable to see the initial task brief, upon entering the room, to the point where Louis asks Antoine, in the studio, exactly how long she had searched for it. Antoine plays the full, unedited, but sped-up footage of Marie-Lyne searching for the task brief, revealing that it had taken her 4 minutes and 41 seconds, despite having searched the birdcage area of the room several times.

The footage of Marie-Lyne’s attempt is shown along with Phil and Kevin’s attempts and, of the three, she is the only one who displays any urgency during the task, running from location to location.

When she reaches the shed, Marie-Lyne once again displays her task blindness – belying her in-studio excuse that she had been unable to see the initial task brief because it was white against a white wall – as she looks around the inside of the shed and fails to spot the clue laid in the middle of the green wheelbarrow for quite some time.

Marie-Lyne’s haste costs her, as she misreads the clue found in the shed as just “look in the book”, causing her to look through every single book in the study for the final clue.

After finally finding the clue, Marie-Lyne searches the birdcage (the location of the initial task brief) for answers, but finds none.

She eventually doubles back to all of the previous clue locations and retrieves the abandoned clues, re-reading them as she does so. This allows her to solve the riddle before she returns to the study, so she shouts as soon as she enters.

Marie-Lyne completes the task in 5 minutes and 5 seconds (although Phil jokingly insists that the time she’d spent finding the initial task brief should also be counted), and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores