
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mauri uses lots of duct tape

Mauri searches the shed and emerges with a roll of duct tape, which he forces onto the mobility scooter’s axle.

He mounts the scooter and attempts to drive it, to test his new (and very small) wheel, and is surprised that it actually works.

However, he is soon brought to a screeching halt, as the starting line has somehow become tangled up in the wheel.

Mauri uses the side of his foot to kick the duct tape even more securely onto the axle, injuring himself twice in the process, by banging his ankle against it.

After recovering, Mauri finds more duct tape, and then tips the scooter onto its side, before setting the wheel spinning. This allows him to quickly wind an entire second roll of duct tape around the first roll, creating a slightly larger wheel.

Mauri drives relatively smoothly on his new wheel, but while he is midway through the dog’s leg bend between the oil drums, the wheel falls off of the scooter.

Having learned from his previous injuries, Mauri uses a bowling pin this time to hammer the wheel back onto the axle.

In his final minute, Mauri re-mounts the scooter and, although the wheel remains quite wobbly, he successfully navigates the rest of the course and crosses the finish line.

Mauri completes the task in 29 minutes and 23 seconds, and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores