
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Johan uses a wrench

Johan re-reads the task brief, and briefly considers whether he could use himself as the wheel (presumably he was suggesting just carrying the scooter). David reminds him, though, that he needs to be driving the scooter.

Johan searches the shed and, after considering some obvious wheels (such as a bicycle wheel), he emerges with some tools and wooden stake of some kind, which he breaks into shorter lengths. He manages to somehow jam one of the pieces of wood between the bolts on the axle, creating a sort of paddle or spike to drive the vehicle forward against the ground, as it turns. He then switches the piece of wood out for an adjustable wrench instead, and secures it in place with duct tape.

Unlike the other contestants, Johan does not sit on the scooter. Instead, he stands on the side of the vehicle which has an actual, functioning wheel, keeping the pressure off of his wrench on the other side. The wrench digs into the gravel and dirt driveway with every spin, leaving a trench in its wake.

Johan suffers a brief delay on the ramp, as the wrench is unable to gain enough purchase to keep the scooter moving. However, Johan does manages to successfully complete the course, after which he excitedly gives David a hug.

In the studio, Johan admits that there was no thought process behind using the wrench (which he’d originally brought over just to tighten the bolts on the axle), but that he had accidentally stumbled into the solution.

Johan’s time is not given, but he earns third place, meaning that he took somewhere between Behrouz’s time of 13 minutes and 23 seconds, and Mauri’s time of 29 minutes and 23 seconds.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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