
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Behrouz battens down the hatches

Behrouz reasons that if David cannot enter the room, then he cannot eat the popcorn.

He uses his time to render the doors unusable, by removing the handles and building barricades against them.

When David knocks on one of the doors and asks to be let in, Behrouz replies that the door is locked (he is also holding the lock in place with a screwdriver), and that David should try another one.

When David tries another door, Behrouz holds his barricade in place, to prevent him from opening it.

David then returns to the first door again, while Behrouz stands nearby, ready to keep David from entering. However, David then enters the room through a third door, which Behrouz had not noticed because it is covered with a semi-sheer curtain, and starts walking over to the popcorn.

Panicked, Behrouz picks up the ladder from his barricade and stands holding it as a barrier between the David and the popcorn, at one point even trapping David against the wall with it.

David attempts to tire Behrouz out by leaning all of his weight on top of the ladder. David then eventually gets close enough to the popcorn to smack at it with his clipboard, causing a single piece to fall to the ground near Behrouz’s feet, which David then picks up and eats.

Behrouz is disqualified from the task for physically blocking David.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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