
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mauri moves the desk

After reading the task brief, Mauri wonders out loud whether he can just move the desk. He then does precisely that, moving the desk into an adjacent room which has only a single point of entry.

After locking the door, Mauri then exits the room via the window, accidentally cutting his finger in the process.

Mauri then returns to the study and smears either blood or red paint (inspired by his injury) on his cheeks, insisting that he is ready to “cross boundaries” to protect his popcorn, as he holds up a sword.

David enters the study and notices that the popcorn has been moved, and Mauri confirms to him that “blood has already been spilled” where the popcorn is concerned.

David re-reads the task brief, and looks around the room. Realising that the desk has likely been moved to the adjacent room, and that he does not have a key to the locked door, David searches the shed for something to assist him. While this is happening, Mauri whispers to the camera that he is enjoying the fact that David does not realise that he has accidentally left the window to the locked room wide open. However, he apparently whispers this way too loudly, as David hears his confession, and asks if Mauri is confessing to having left the room via the window.

David then drags a patio chair to the open window in question, awkwardly clambers up into the room, and then gleefully eats some of the popcorn while Mauri laments his mistake.

Mauri protects the popcorn for 15 minutes and 5 seconds, and wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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