
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Behrouz and Ankan turn Maria into an artist’s palette

Maria stands next to the vegetables, while Behrouz and Ankan take their spots next to the paint bottles.

After the task brief is read, Ankan notices that Maria has “one of those things” (an artist’s palette) at her station, so he tells her to throw it to him, so he can load it up with paint. He asks Maria what colours she wants, and she asks for green and purple for the aubergine. Ankan squeezes his purple paint bottle, depositing a large amount of purple paint onto the palette. Behrouz then notices that he has the green bottle, but stops Ankan from throwing the palette towards him, instead throwing the green paint bottle to Ankan (not realising that by doing so, he has just disqualified his team). Ankan then squeezes the green bottle onto the palette, but discovers that it is filled with red paint.

Behrouz opens the tops of the rest of his bottles to check the colours, then stomps on his blue bottle to send a spray of green paint towards Ankan and the palette.

Ankan also checks the rest of his own bottles, which allows him to stand on his red bottle and deposit a large amount of white paint onto the palette.

When Ankan throws the palette back to Maria, his throw lands short of her location. Thankfully, it’s close enough that she is able to lie on the ground and reach it, while still keeping her toes on her spot.

Maria starts painting the white vegetables to look like their counterparts, and asks how many more stomps the team has remaining. She then requests that someone send some pink paint her way. Behrouz stomps on his black paint bottle, splattering pink paint all over her coveralls.

Ankan then tells Behrouz to also send Maria some more green paint (as not much had landed on the palette the first time), so Behrouz stomps on the blue bottle and splatters green paint all over Maria.

Maria runs her brush over her coveralls to collect some of the paint, and continues colouring the vegetables.

Meanwhile, Behrouz stomps on his yellow bottle, sending blue paint over to Maria, seemingly for no reason, as she then yells that she hadn’t asked for any paint, and that all he had accomplished was getting blue paint all over her potato.

Maria does quite a good paint job, replicating the vegetables well, although the painted ones are generally much paler, due to her lack of paint.

In the studio, Babben rules that Behrouz, Maria, and Ankan had the best matching vegetables. However, David then reminds her of the rules of the task, and replays the footage of Behrouz tossing his paint bottle to Ankan (despite Maria initially musing that “that damn Ankan” was likely the one who would have gotten the team disqualified).

Behrouz and Maria are therefore disqualified from the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)