
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mauri samples everything

Mauri points at the durian, successfully identifying it, and declaring it to be the “world’s most disgusting fruit” (thus coining the episode title). He opens the jar, curious about its smell, but doesn’t even get the jar close to his nose before gagging and closing the jar again.

Like the other contestants, he correctly predicts that Maria will eat the cat food.

Mauri tells David that he intends to take his time to think about what to eat, but he then seems to quickly decide on the chili pepper. However, it is apparently stronger than he’d expected (he tells David that it’s the strongest chili pepper he’s ever eaten), and so he leaves the lab, soon returning with a carton of milk.

Mauri asks David if all of the items can be sampled, and David confirms that they can. David pushes hard for Mauri to sample the durian, even providing him with things he can tell people who might ask him about durian afterwards. Mauri responds by asking how people can put up with David and his constant talking on a regular basis.

After sampling the uncooked potato, Mauri tries a bite of the durian. Given his reaction, he is in the minority of people who experience the taste of durian as something like raw onions and rotten cheese.

Curious about the cat food, Mauri tries a bite of that as well.

Finally, Mauri eats half of the chocolate as a palette cleanser, before realising that he is in the exact same position he was at the start of the task, but with half of his time now gone.

After taking some time to agonise over the fact that he had sampled everything, knowing they would taste bad (something David describes as “faintly stupid”), Mauri ultimately eats the entire raw potato.

In the studio, David reveals that Mauri took 42 minutes and 23 seconds to finally make a decision and consume his delicacy.

Mauri earns joint first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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