
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Behrouz and Maria blame Ankan for everything

Behrouz, Maria, and Ankan don’t seem to communicate with each other at all, while choosing their items.

At the second task location, Ankan – whose chosen items include a ladder, an oar, a pressure washer, a long hose, and a bathtub – takes the square next to the soup. Behrouz – who has brought an umbrella, a mallet, tape, a basketball, and a leaf blower – stands in the middle square. Maria – whose chosen items include an iron pole, a spade, a short cardboard tube, rope, and a sleeping bag – takes the square next to the destination pot.

After Behrouz reads the second task brief, Ankan pours the entire pot of soup into his bathtub, at Maria’s orders. However, the plug has apparently come out of the bathtub, so the soup immediately begins spilling from the tub and into the grass. Thankfully, this is noticed midway through Ankan’s pouring, and he is able to plug the hole in the tub before dumping the rest of the pot into it.

Ankan drags the bathtub over to Behrouz, who instructs him to pour its entire contents into his open and inverted umbrella at once. This results in a fair amount of soup spilling out onto the ground. Behrouz then moves his umbrella full of soup over to Maria, who has covered the bottom of her cardboard tube with her sleeping bag, in an attempt to create a receptacle. However, this results in more soup loss, as much of the liquid soaks into the fabric.

In desperation, Behrouz uses his leaf-blower to blow some of the spilled vegetables into his umbrella, and then transfers what he can to Maria’s spade, to be added to the pot.

All-in-all, the team manage to move very little of the soup to the destination pot, and what they do manage to get into it is mostly solids, rather than liquid.

In the studio, Behrouz argues that their (clearly inferior) result should actually secure the win, as their soup had more nutritious ingredients in it, compared with the other team, whose haul had consisted primarily of liquid.

Maria voices her suspicion that Ankan had been put on their team as a mole, to sabotage every single team task. Behrouz agrees to lay the blame on Ankan, because he is not present in the studio to defend himself. Sweetly, Mauri seems shocked that no-one – not even Babben or David – will stand up for Ankan in his absence.

Behrouz and Maria lose the task, and earn no points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)