
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Charlotta, Johan, and Mauri communicate

While gathering their items, the team members actually communicate with one other about their chosen items, to the point where Johan starts trying to predict what the upcoming task will be, suggesting it could be “Do something impressive” (which convinces Mauri to accept Charlotta’s desire to bring a confetti cannon), or “Swim across the lake while holding your items”.

At the second task location, Charlotta – whose chosen items include an axe, a confetti cannon, a deck of cards, a rope, and a small crutch – takes the square next to the soup. Johan – who has brought a helmet, a bowling pin, duct tape, an umbrella, and a single ski – stands in the middle square. Mauri – whose chosen items are a bicycle, a leaf-blower, a basketball, a tambourine (which he calls a “little drum”), and a fire extinguisher – takes the square next to the destination pot.

Immediately after Johan reads the second task brief, Charlotta sets off her confetti cannon, in order to use the tube as a vessel for the soup. She transfers the soup into Johan’s motorcycle helmet, who in turn pours it into Mauri’s tambourine. The team continue with this method for the entire task, moving small amounts of soup with each round, mainly hampered by the relatively small size of the confetti cannon tube, and the fact that Mauri’s tambourine has holes in its perimeter.

Eventually, the minestrone in the source pot ends up consisting more of solids than liquid soup, which makes Charlotta gag.

Mauri attempts to dump his final tambourine full of soup into the pot in the final second of the task, but David covers the pot with its lid just before he can, which means the soup ends up on David instead.

Johan starts singing a football victory tune while Charlotta throws confetti around him, but the two stop after Mauri states that it’s too early for the team to celebrate victory.

However, Charlotta, Johan, and Mauri do win the task, and earn 3 points each.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)