
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mauri builds with ‘T’

Mauri chooses the letter ‘T’ and orders tape, a piece of wood (‘träbit’), a plate (‘tallrik’), tabasco sauce, and a tamarin monkey (a panicked suggestion, as his time was nearly up; as David has to look up the word for him, it’s clear that Mauri knows it is a word but has forgotten what it actually is).

When Mauri returns for the building portion of the task, he is confused by his chosen items, rhetorically asking David what he had been thinking at the time. David replies that he probably had not been.

Mauri makes the best of a bad situation, duct-taping the stick to the plate, and presumably his egg along with it. Then, thinking it would be nice if the plush tamarin went along for the boat ride, he duct-tapes it to the plate as well, as a passenger (or “hostage”, as David puts it). Finally, Mauri covers his creation with tabasco sauce.

In the race, Mauri’s boat actually manages to get past the starting line but, unsurprisingly, sinks almost immediately after.

Mauri earns a single participation point.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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