
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Johan builds with ‘B’

Johan chooses the letter ‘B’, and orders a rubber duck (‘badanka’), some cotton (‘bomull’), a bathroom slipper, a flower (‘blomma’), and some brunch.

Johan is mostly concerned with enjoying the delicious brunch offering provided for him. In between bites, he lines the bathroom slipper with his cotton (which has been provided in the form of some hand towels), in which he nestles the egg. Concerned with aesthetics, he also tucks the flower into the slipper, and tops it off with the rubber duck.

In the race, Johan’s boat overturns almost immediately. However, since the bathroom slipper floats – even when upside down – and the egg and towels are apparently secure enough inside of it, he remains in the race.

He is also aided by Maria’s boat, as one of the buckles of his slipper catches onto one of the strings on her boat, so it is dragged along in what the commentator calls an “umbilical cord strategy”. Thanks to the tow, Johan is able to overtake Behrouz’s boat near the finish line, and wins second place in the egg race.

However, it is later revealed that Johan’s egg had actually slipped out of the towels during the race, negating his second place finish, and he instead earns a single participation point.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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