
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Calle accidentally identifies Santa

Calle looks Santa over and states that he is clearly over 50 years old. When Santa responds by holding up his ‘yes’ paddle, Calle quickly states that he hadn’t asked him a question.

Calle asks Santa if he works in the entertainment industry (yes), then asks if he smokes (no). Calle then asks Santa whether can just identify himself (no), before commenting to Olli that it was worth a try. He then asks Santa if he is an actor (yes). Calle briefly considers that Santa might be Arve Opsahl, but remembers that he is dead.

Calle asks Santa if he is an actor (yes), before realising that he had already asked that question. He then asks Santa if his name starts with ‘E’ (no), or ‘B’ (no). Calle then starts listing names, starting with the correct answer of Anders Hatlo, before quickly moving on to Bjørn Floberg, and clarifying that he’s just saying names out loud, and not actually asking any questions. When Santa looks to Olli for guidance on this series of events, Olli does not seem to notice.

In his final few seconds, Calle guesses that Santa is Trond Espen Seim.

Calle asks 19 ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions altogether, and so earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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