
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian hates modern art

Christian searches the shed for materials and pulls out several long planks of wood. He states that, as he plans on thinking outside of the box, he needs things which can provide height.

As Christian builds his water feature, he comments on how ugly he finds modern art, and how he is therefore pleased that his creation has turned out ugly.

Christian shoves the planks of wood into a tall, thin traffic cone, creating a sort of open funnel. After wrapping a garden hose around the planks, he then places the Stormester trophy and two novelty watering cans – one shaped like a flamingo, and one shaped like a frog – into the funnel.

Christian then turns on the hose, sending water pouring onto Lasse’s head. He claims the water represents ideas, and that his water installation is “essentially what the programme is”.

As he watches the ‘ideas’ continue to flow over Lasse’s head, Christian muses that the installation is the most beautiful thing he’s ever made.

In the studio, Christian says he has no excuse for as to why he had called his piece ugly while constructing it, only to then consider it beautiful by the end.

Lasse believes that Christian had given up during the task, so he awards him joint fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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