
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Victor solves a different task

In the studio, after the task brief is read, Victor says that he remembers it well, and that he and Jonas are no longer on speaking terms.

After asking how Jonas feels about croquis (nude life drawings), Victor tells Jonas that it’s time for him to start taking his clothes off. Victor offers to also remove some of his own clothes, to help make Jonas more comfortable. Although Jonas insists that this will not be necessary, Victor removes his shirt anyway.

Victor proceeds to remove Jonas’ overshirt, pausing to remark that what he’s doing feels “very illegal”. He encourages Jonas to remove his t-shirt, but Jonas counters by removing his shoes instead. Jonas – clearly uncomfortable – eventually compromises by rolling up his sleeves and trouser legs, instead of removing the garments altogether.

As Victor’s time starts running out, Jonas agrees to briefly remove his shirt and then put it right back on, as long as Victor stands on the opposite side of the room. Victor agrees but, while Jonas is removing his shirt, Victor rushes closer to him and starts to sketch him. Jonas then quickly puts his shirt back on.

Victor then hugs a clearly-annoyed Jonas from behind, and also tries to kiss him on the cheek. Jonas breaks free from Victor’s hug, and then keeps the table between the two of them. Victor’s time runs out soon afterwards.

In the studio, Victor acknowledges that he actually does understand consent and cause-and-effect, and that he knows that what he did was not acceptable. Annika chimes in that such a thing has happened on TV2 before – it’s not known exactly to what she is referring (she may be joking that something had happened between her and Jonas when he’d previously appeared on her season).

Lasse muses that if the task had been ‘Overstep this man’s boundaries’, then Victor would have easily won. As it is, though, Victor earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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