
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone plays slap and tong

Round 1 pits Marie-Lyne (slap) against Mona (tong). Mona goes for the marshmallow, but misses, accidentally knocking it off the table. Marie-Lyne wins the round.

Round 2 pits Kevin (slap) against Tammy (tong). Kevin eats a marshmallow while playing, which annoys Tammy. This may be the reason she grabs the marshmallow before Louis officially finishes his countdown – she grabs it as soon as Louis says “one”. She claims that she thought the game started whenever Louis started talking, and she then throws a marshmallow at him. Kevin wins the round.

Round 3 pits Marie-Lyne (slap) against Phil (tong). Marie-Lyne’s hand is actually well over the table while she waits for Phil to make his move, but this is never brought up. Phil reaches for the marshmallow, but his aim is short, and Marie-Lyne bats the marshmallow away. Marie-Lyne wins the round.

Round 4 pits Mona (slap) against Kevin (tong). She jokingly confirms with Antoine that the marshmallow needs to be ‘diverted’ (in reference to Tammy’s attempt at the ‘Move sand from one bucket to another’ task, earlier in the episode). Despite Marie-Lyne’s insistence that Kevin’s method of using both hands to operate the tongs isn’t “efficient”, Kevin is able to grab the marshmallow before Mona can bat it away. Kevin wins the round, and throws the marshmallow into the audience while celebrating his victory.

Round 5 pits Phil (slap) against Marie-Lyne (tong). Marie-Lyne almost immediately goes for the marshmallow, but her grab misses. This gives Phil enough time to bat the marshmallow away. Phil wins the round.

Round 6 pits Tammy (slap) against Kevin (tong). Kevin, confident from his previous victory, quickly grabs the marshmallow and wins the round.

Louis rules that each round awards one actual point, so Kevin and Marie-Lyne each earn 5 points, while Mona, Phil, and Tammy each earn 1 point.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)