
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Leo uses several languages

After reading the task brief, Leo reasons that there’s no reason he cannot use his phone throughout the task.

As Leo starts looking up things he wants to say to Kauko, Olli asks him if he is any good at small talk. Leo responds to this with just a “Yeah”, without looking at Olli or offering anything further, prompting Olli to look directly at the camera and mutter that Leo is clearly “the king of small talk”.

Leo greets Kauko with a fist bump, and then asks how he is. Despite having access to his phone, Leo either abandons it or is told off-camera that he is not allowed to use it, as he then switches to using some notes he has taken on the notepad.

Based on his notes, Leo is able to welcome Kauko to Norway (although he says “vilkommen” which is German). He is then confused when Kauko replies with “kiitos” (‘thank you’), as he does not know what it means, so he replies in a combination of Finnish and Spanish, “kiitos... qué?” (‘thank you... what?’).

The rest of Leo’s conversation with Kauko is not shown, but he ends it by using mime – pointing to himself, and waggling his fingers in a walking motion, indicating that he is now going to leave.

In the studio, Atle points out that Leo had used several languages during his attempt, but very little actual Finnish. Leo replies that Finnish is incredibly difficult, and nods his respect to Olli for being able to speak it fluently. As it’s Olli’s native tongue, he accepts the compliment with some amusement.

Kauko awards Leo fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores