
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Calle is unfamiliar with Finnish stereotypes

After Calle has read the task brief, Olli asks him if he knows any Finnish. Calle replies that he does not, and asks Olli if he can teach him any (as Olli is Finnish), but Olli refuses to do so.

Calle uses the iPad to translate the questions he wants to ask the Finn, and writes them down on the notepad.

Calle greets Kauko with a high five, while saying “high-five” in Finnish. He introduces himself as Calle, and asks Kauko what his name is.

After an awkward pause, Calle asks Kauko if he has been watching Maskorama (the Norwegian version of The Masked Singer), unaware that the Finnish version of the show is actually called Masked Singer Suomi. Kauko replies that he has not.

After another awkward pause (which Calle simply fills by saying “juu, ei” (‘yes, no’), Calle says in Finnish that he has to leave, and asks for a hug (a bad idea when dealing with a Finn, as they are stereotypically very protective of their personal space, with hugs tending to be reserved for family members). Instead, Calle and Kauko exchange fist- and elbow-bumps.

Kauko awards Calle third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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