
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin and Marie-Lyne end and reaffirm their friendship

After the team of three’s successful attempt is shown, and before the footage of Kevin and Marie-Lyne’s attempt begins, Louis muses that the task is all about “mutual aid and cooperation”, and that this is definitely what comes to mind when thinking about the team of two.

As they have been for most of the series, Kevin and Marie-Lyne work at different speeds. In this case, Marie-Lyne walks quickly towards the table, while Kevin ambles at a slower pace, insisting that they need to work together and practice, or risk the rope touching the ground. However, they seem to reach the bag on the table without incident.

Marie-Lyne then instructs Kevin to tie a knot in the top of the bag before throwing it to her, which he does.

The pair do not make sure to keep enough space between themselves so, when Kevin starts to move, the rope touches the ground, and the two are required to start over.

This is a common reoccurrence, during their attempt – either one of them gets a bit too close to the other when moving towards the table (usually Kevin), or one of them accidentally takes a step while holding the bag.

At several points, Marie-Lyne forgets to put the bag back on the table during the reset, and so they start their subsequent attempts with the bag already in their possession at the starting point, but Antoine does not bring this up.

After several more failed attempts, Marie-Lyne directly addresses the camera, telling Louis (though she seems to mean Antoine) that she doesn’t know how he’d managed to endure filming all of Kevin’s other tasks. She swears that when the task is finally over, their friendship will be as well.

After finally managing to complete the task (or, at least, believing they have, as they never find the bag of salt), Marie-Lyne quickly removes her rope and storms off, telling Kevin not to talk to her.

In the studio, Marie-Lyne reassures Louis that she and Kevin are still friends. Kevin agrees, saying that after “a lot of therapy”, everything is fine.

Louis presents the pair with a best friends necklace designed like a burger and fries, and both wear their halves, although Kevin initially believes it to be a bracelet, and so wraps it around his wrist (prompting Louis to ask if Kevin can call his mother again, as he has a few questions for her).

Kevin defends their performance, saying that the task was difficult, and that despite their issues, they had still communicated and worked together. He insists that Marie-Lyne was actually very patient, and admits that he’d never really understood the task. Louis replies that Kevin doesn’t seem to understand the show as a whole.

Despite the team not actually finishing the task, Louis awards them 3 points each for their efforts, and for Kevin’s confidence in signing up to do a television programme he had “clearly never seen”.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)