
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Charlotta snatches defeat from the jaws of victory

After thinking about the task, Charlotta leaves the lab and returns with a large egg carton.

She puts a single egg inside the carton, and then enlists David to help her carry a heavy decorative marble slab into the lab.

After placing the egg carton on the floor, Charlotta and David place the slab directly on top of it.

Charlotta believes that David will also be able to stand on top of the slab without breaking the egg, so she helps balance him as he steps up onto the slab.

While Charlotta is in the middle of asking David how much he weighs, an empty section of the egg carton collapses, so Charlotta tells David to step back down, and she removes the slab.

Upon inspection, the egg is still completely whole and undamaged. Charlotta says that she is satisfied with her attempt, ending her task early and leaving the lab.

In the studio, however, David re-reads the part of the task brief which specified that “most weight on eggs in 10 minutes wins”. He then plays a clip of the end of Charlotta’s attempt, as the final few seconds count down, showing that there was weight on her egg at the end.

Charlotta blames her failure on her inability to properly read the task briefs. However, with a total of 0kg on her egg at the end of the task, Charlotta still place fourth, thanks to Mauri’s negative result.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores