
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Johan underestimates the little guy

Johan starts by asking David how good his hand-eye coordination is, but then presses a finger to David’s lips before he can answer, before claiming that he had always wanted to do that.

Nothing is shown of Johan’s planning process. Iinstead, the next we see is him presenting his challenge to David: David must stand in front of the challenge booth, and has three attempts to push a bowling pin off of the prize shelf, without using any tools or other assistance. If he is successful, he will win the grand prize: a large plush horse.

Johan, being much taller than David, is easily able to lean over the booth’s desk and knock over the bowling pin. When David points out that Johan’s feet had touched the front of the booth, Johan agrees that touching the booth is allowed.

After two unsuccessful attempts, David gets on his tiptoes, as close to the front of the booth as he can, and leans his entire torso over the booth’s desk. This minor change in position gives David just enough extra reach that he is able to brush the bowling pin with the tip of his middle finger, and knock it over.

Johan, annoyed, shoves the horse into David’s arms, and David gleefully turns to the camera and cheers.

For failing to set a challenge for David to fail, Johan earns no points.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores