
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Charlotta eggplants a spear

Charlotta asks if the eggplant has to remain where it is, and David confirms that it can be moved.

With the eggplant in hand, she heads to the shed to source some tools. She quickly finds two poles and tapes them together, complaining as she does that she is bad at taping. As she does, David attempts to hype her up (or psych her out) by saying that the next level would be to add a third pole to her construction.

Charlotta eventually makes a five pole long pole, and tapes the pen to the end of it. She rests the eggplant upright in a roll of duct tape on the shed’s workbench, and stands some distance away from it (though she is unable to stand as far away as she might like, as the pole bends under its own weight.

Despite her worry that she is unable to see what she is doing, Charlotta manages to poke the eggplant with her pen, but it does not stay stuck inside the vegetable.

Charlotta does not change her method, or the distance from which she makes her attempts, and keeps coming closer to successfully piercing the eggplant, but never quite manages it.

In her last five seconds, she picks up the eggplant and sticks it directly onto the pen. She then quickly scurries back to the far end of her construction, apparently hoping that the distance will still somehow count, even though she was holding both items in her hand when the pen pierced the eggplant. As she does so, the eggplant falls off of the pen.

Charlotta spears the eggplant from just 5 centimetres (David admits he’s being generous with this measurement), and earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores