
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mauri breaks his pen

Mauri notices the rope and stanchions, and asks why they are there. David replies that it’s just to look nice. When Mauri questions if anyone was dumb enough to just obediently stand behind the rope and throw the pen, David replies that no one could possibly be that dumb (of course, these statements are intercut with Johan and Maria doing precisely that).

Mauri refuses to believe that the eggplant can be easily penetrated by the pen, and tests his hypothesis by walking up to the vegetable and tossing the pen at it. He is surprised when the pen easily penetrates.

Mauri moves the eggplant onto the gazebo’s bench, in order to provide a backboard, and then starts throwing the pen at it while remaining within the gazebo. With each successful shot, he moves backwards a little further.

Eventually, Mauri breaks the pen casing, but then clarifies with David that the still-intact ink chamber and pen tip still count as a pen. When David agrees, Mauri again throws it at the eggplant, but and breaks apart completely, upon impacting the bench.

Mauri runs to the shed in search of other pens, eventually returning with three. As he arrives, David points out to him that he could have just taken the eggplant to the shed with him, instead.

Mauri continues to throw pens at the eggplant for the remainder of his time.

He spears the eggplant from 2.54 metres, and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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