
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Maria thinks Johan is a wuss

Maria initially believes that she is meant to throw the pen into the eggplant from behind the rope. After several failures, she takes the eggplant and heads to the shed to develop another plan.

As she tapes a few poles together, David asks her if she thinks anyone would settle for using a single pole. Maria replies that only a “wuss” would use one pole, before elaborating that she believes that Johan would do exactly that (she is correct), as he “doesn’t have the energy for more”.

Maria sets up a briefcase in the driveway as a backboard, resting the eggplant against it. She also places the tip of the pen against it, making sure to point out to David that she hasn’t actually speared the eggplant yet.

She then runs to the end of her series of taped poles and pushes, successfully spearing the tip of the pen into the eggplant.

When David asks if Maria would like to try for more distance, Maria agrees. She realises that she can lower both her poles and herself to the ground, thus removing the bend it its length that was necessary for her to hold her construction while standing. With this added distance, Maria once again successfully spears the eggplant.

Maria spears the eggplant from 7.93 metres, and earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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