
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Johan “The Sledgehammer” Petersson scores a goal

Johan attempts a shot from the midway point of the rink, which hits a goal post, and misses. When Johan then falls on his back and kicks his legs in the air like a child having a temper tantrum, David has to clarify that Johan is in fact performing his celebration, and not just actually having a tantrum.

Johan then moves halfway between the goal and the midway point of the rink, and successfully scores from there. His victory celebration consists of him on his hands and knees, pulling himself across the ice.

Other celebrations include “The fisherman” (wherein Johan kneels and tugs on the hockey stick as though it were a fishing rod, during a session of ice fishing), “The Travolta” (shuffling across the ice while doing the disco finger dance move), “The surgeon” (sliding across the ice while miming sewing something up), “The angry chimney sweep” (yelling while jabbing his hockey stick upwards), “The happy carpenter” (laughing loudly while miming hammering something), “The kindergarten teacher” (squatting and telling small children to be quiet, as it’s snack time), “The actor” (taking up as much space as possible, while complaining that they have nothing to do in the current scene), and “The 360 degree boxer” (punching while turning in a circle).

In the studio, Babben comments that Johan put more effort into the celebrations than in the actual goal attempts.

Johan scores a goal from 25.9 metres, and wins the task. He also earns the bonus point for his goal celebrations, specifically “The angry chimney sweep”.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores