
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Johan calls a former contestant

When Johan asks Astrid if she has any idols, she replies that she does not.

When Johan asks if she knows who Markoolio is, she says that she does, and that she likes him. Johan then offers to call him, and Astrid agrees to this.

As the phone rings, Johan makes sure to point out that he’s close enough friends that Markoolio is listed in his phone under “Marko”, instead of by his stage name. Unfortunately, Marko does not pick up the call.

At a loss, Johan informs Astrid that he has started buying dividend shares in the stock market. When Astrid asks what dividend shares are, Johan actually goes into a detailed explanation, while Astrid stares at her phone.

Thankfully, Marko calls Johan back. Johan explains the situation to him, and asks for his help. Marko then sings snippets from some of his songs over the phone, including Mera mål (More Goals), Kassanova, Millennium 2, Vi drar till fjällen (‘We Go to the Mountains’), and In med bollen i mål (‘Get the Ball in the Goal’).

Marko is clearly up for singing more of his hits, but David then enters the room, so Johan ends the call. At this point, it is revealed that this all took place during Johan’s talking time, and that his official time to be cool is only just now starting.

Johan asks if Astrid remembers that time he called Markoolio, and asks her if that was cool.

Johan cannot keep himself from laughing as he then tells Astrid that he has a smart phone, and asks if she has any cool apps.

He also tells Astrid that he used to be neighbours with Jan Johansen, who it transpires Astrid does not know.

At this point, David asks Johan if he has tried talking to Astrid about stocks.

In desperation, Johan offers a fact to Astrid that he admits is not cool, but is still a piece of knowledge that she can take with her: everyone’s height is equal to their arm-span (this is not always true). He then proves this using his own body, against a nearby doorframe, while David hold his clipboard against the frame to measure.

Astrid awards Johan last place, noting only “Cool stocks, man”.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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