
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Maria educates Astrid about Barbra Streisand

Maria spots a pair of headphones on the table next to Astrid, and asks if there is any music playing on them. Astrid says that there is not. Maria then asks if Astrid likes music, and Astrid says she likes it a lot.

Maria says she will introduce Astrid to her favourite singer: Barbra Streisand. The two lie with their heads on a pillow on the floor, and Maria starts pulling up videos about Barbra Streisand on her phone, which segues into Maria summarising the plot of Yentl, at which she realises that she’s not at all cool.

Maria then asks Astrid if she likes fika (similar to afternoon tea, but with its own customs), and the two head to the kitchen together. While preparing food, Maria asks David if any condoms are available.

In her final minutes, she enters a staring contest with Astrid, and then hugs her when her time is up (which Astrid does not particularly seem to care for), reminding her to remember Barbra Streisand.

After leaving the room, Maria then doubles back, having found some balloons, and proceeds to show Astrid her balloon trick, noting that it’s actually meant to be done with condoms.

Astrid awards Maria fourth place, noting “She should have pulled that balloon through her nose earlier”.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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