
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Behrouz doubts that penguins are birds

Behrouz asks Trausti to speak very slowly for him.

When Trausti explains in Icelandic that there are 20 pigs in the still life, Behrouz is able to translate ‘pig’, but then asks if Trausti is a pig, before realising that Trausti is referring to multiple pigs.

When Behrouz asks what else is in the still life, Trausti replies that there is “fugl à fíll” (‘a bird and an elephant’), which Behrouz confuses for the similarly-sounding Swedish words ‘fukt och fil’ (‘moisture and file’).

Behrouz further confuses “mörgæs” (‘penguin’) with ‘marquise’. After Trausti clarifies that a ‘mörgæs’ is “einn stór fugl” (‘one big bird’), Behrouz reasons that it’s some sort of animal, and so asks what colour its fur is. After Trausti replies that it’s white and black, Behrouz realises that Trausti is referring to a penguin, but then questions whether a penguin is even a bird (presumably because they are flightless).

When Trausti tells Behrouz about the “diskur með goðgaeti” (‘a plate of goðgaeti’; ‘goðgaeti’ means ‘delicacy’, but Trausti is referring specifically to fermented herring), Behrouz figures out through a line of questioning that does not make the edit that Trausti is referring to fish, and so starts listing specific fish, before asking if they can just settle on cod (ultimately believing that Trausti is just referring to a fish on a plate).

When Behrouz asks Trausti if he’s meant to draw his recreation, Trausti replies in Icelandic “gerðu það sem þú vilt” (‘do whatever you want’), but Behrouz mishears this as the similar-sounding (but nonsense) Swedish phrase “Should I park a sous vide?”, thus coining the episode title.

Behrouz draws his recreation on a piece of paper with coloured marker pens.

In the studio, Behrouz’s drawing is penalised because he’d drawn many of the pigs up the left-hand side of the page, rather than all of them being at the bottom of the drawing, and Behrouz earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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