
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mauri has a family reunion

While introducing Mauri’s footage, David admits that the production team had not realised that ‘Hermundsson’ was an Icelandic name.

When Mauri enters the room. He immediately recognises Trausti and greets him by name, informing the camera crew that they are actually related. Mauri says that completing a task involving a member of his own family feels weird, and he then asks Trausti if he’s meant to trick Mauri, during his recreation.

When Trausti starts to describe the still life, Mauri laments not being able to speak fluent Icelandic. He then gets the idea to call his father, Hermundur, who is Icelandic.

Trausti explains the contents of the still life to Mauri’s father in Icelandic, and he translates it for Mauri, who draws his recreation on the back of the task brief with coloured marker pens.

When David enters the room at the end of the task, Mauri greets him, and then insists that no-one will have done the task better than he has.

In the studio, Babben questions whether everyone in Iceland is related, and Mauri muses that this might actually be true (as we learned from Linnéa Wikblad in a previous episode, there is actually a dating website in Iceland which allows people to check they are not related, prior to consummating their relationship).

In the studio, Mauri’s recreation is given full marks, with no penalties, and so he wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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