
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Maria runs out of time

Maria collects objects from around the room to show to Trausti, asking him if they’re part of his still life.

At one point, she holds up a toy hippopotamus, and Trausti responds with “nei, svín” (‘no, pig’), cluing Maria into the fact that she is searching for an animal. She eventually locates a statue of a pig and asks if it is a ‘svín’, and Trausti nods in confirmation.

In footage that does not make the edit, Maria realises that ‘tuttugu’ is an amount. By then counting aloud and watching Trausti’s reaction, she eventually figures out that ‘tuttugu’ means ‘twenty’. Maria gathers as many pig figurines as she can from around the room and places them on a nearby table.

Through another line of questioning that does not make the edit, Maria eventually learns that the next animal in the still life has wings, and lives around “ís og vatn” (‘ice and water’). She then figures out that “mörgæs” means ‘penguin’, and finds the stuffed penguin in the hallway to add to her recreation.

Trausti tells her that, along with the ‘mörgæs’, there is a “fíll” (‘elephant’). By asking him ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions, Maria eventually figures out that a ‘fíll’ is a large animal, but does not progress further than that.

Trausti tells Maria that the still life also features “diskur með goðgaeti” (‘a plate of goðgaeti’; ‘goðgaeti’ means ‘delicacy’, but Trausti is referring specifically to fermented herring). Maria works out that Trausti finds the item “very delicious”, and heads to the kitchen in search of food. When she opens the fridge, she finds a plate of exactly what she needs, and brings it back with her, along with some apples.

Maria runs out of time while still trying to figure out what a ‘fíll’ is.

In the studio, Maria’s recreation is penalised for completely lacking a bird and elephant, and she earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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