
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Nick plays some brick roulette

Nick first asks for clarification on whether breaking the egg refers to the shell cracking, or whether it only counts if egg comes out. He then asks whether the egg is hard-boiled, and decides to boil the egg before attempting anything.

Nick places the egg in the middle of a large, circular wooden board onto which a red and white spiral has been painted, which is laid on the driveway of the house. He then announces that he’ll try to throw bricks as close to the egg as possible, without it breaking.

Nick’s first brick knocks one of the cameras off of its mount. The second brick lands within about a foot of the egg. He then throws three more bricks, with each one narrowly missing the egg.

Nick then decides to push his luck by tossing a brick backwards, over his head. Unfortunately, this final brick does crack the egg.

Nick apologises to the egg, which he perches against one of the bricks he’s thrown, before heading back inside. A crow is then seen approaching and eating the egg.

In the studio, Nick acknowledges that the end of his attempt did look a bit sad, and also highlights the cannibalistic nature of the crow eating the egg.

Despite the attempt having been very risky, Nick is disqualified for breaking his egg.

(Written by M3 / Andres Sanchez and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores