
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Romesh, Roisin & Josh score 11 points

Image of Roisin Conaty, Josh Widdicombe, and Romesh Ranganathan standing in a squash court, trying to figure out how they are scoring points, while Romesh scores a point by touching his own head.

Roisin and Romesh immediately admit that they don’t know how to play squash. While Josh is explaining that while he does know how to play, presumably that’s not how points are scored, Roisin touched her head to brush away some hair, scoring a point.

Noticing that the score has gone up, Romesh connects it to the fact that Josh was picking up the racquets. However, distributing racquets to all the team members results in no points.

While Josh is then trying to explain how to play squash, and Romesh kicks the waste paper bin out of the way, Roisin again brushes her hair away from her face, scoring another point.

Josh suggests that the team try to retrace their steps, to identify how the points were scored, so the team try to put everything back where it was when they entered the court.

As Romesh is returning from replacing his squash racquet in the corner of the court, he touches his glasses, scoring another point.

The point is first attributed to something Roisin did, and then Josh suggests that maybe they score a point every time they are all facing the same way. This theory is immediately debunked.

Romesh instructs Roisin to put her racquet back in the corner of the court at the same time that she happens to be touching her head again.

The team jump on the theory that it is speaking a certain word that scores points, shouting out ‘racquet’, ‘them’, and ‘back’ to no avail.

Roisin then brushes her hair away from her face again, while Josh is talking about the corner of the court, leading to the team shouting out ‘corner’, ‘somehow’, and ‘points’.

Romesh kicks the waste paper bin out of frustration, and Josh follows suit with the framed photo of the Taskmaster, losing two points.

Roisin again scores a point while brushing her hair away from her face while discussing how hard the game is, and is perplexed by the score increase, insisting that “Nothing happened there!”.

Josh then touches his own face while starting a statement with “Um”, leading them all to call out ‘um’ again, and Josh to suggest that points are awarded for ‘pausing’.

Romesh and Josh then start throwing cupcakes to each other, and Josh licks his finger to remove some frosting, scoring another point.

Josh again suggests that it may be specific words that are scoring points, while Romesh again touches his glasses, gaining another point. Roisin calls out the word ‘words’ out of desperation.

Josh the puts forward - in the form of a question - the theory that asking questions is what is scoring points. His question is rewarded with zero additional points.

He then tries to throw a squash ball at Alex. As Romesh flinches in response to the near miss, he touches his face, scoring another point.

Still very much confused, but so close to the truth, Josh starts hitting his own head with a squash racquet, as Romesh absent-mindedly touches his own head with his hand.

Romesh then suggests that they are scoring points for “not having a sodding clue what is going on”.

Josh suggests that they stand in utter silence, and then Roisin reaches over, for some reason, and touches his head, raising their score to 11.

Still not really aware of how they completed the task, the team file out of the squash court, with Romesh making sure to wreck it slightly on the way out.

Romesh tips the plant pot over on the table, and it rolls off and smashes on the floor, creating the image used on the title card for this episode.

Back in the studio, it is revealed that the team took 11 minutes and 12 seconds to score 11 points, despite not figuring out how they had done so, and actually won the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)