
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sophie literally flicks a flip-flop

Alex has to repeatedly ask Sophie to re-read the end of the task brief, as she does not spot that it says “flifteen”, rather than “fifteen”.

Sophie then rushes into the task without thinking first, immediately flicking the flip-flop a centimetres or two across the table with her fingers. When Alex asks her if that was her official attempt, she confirms that it was. After he then reminds her that the furthest distance wins, Sophie realises what she’s done and admits that it wasn’t her best work.

Sophie then decides to flip over the flan for “fun”. She flips the flan off the edge of the table, and its splats onto the stage below.

Sophie is then left with flapping her flapjack. When Alex reminds her that she has “flourteen” minutes left, she realises that she’s been rushing her attempt, and admits that she really hasn’t thought this through. She then flaps the flapjack by back-handing it off the table, covering a distance much greater than she had with the flip-flop or flan.

When Alex tells Sophie that she’s finished the task, she acknowledges that it wasn’t done well, but insists that it was fun.

In the studio, Greg asks Sophie if she feels any sense of shame. She says she didn’t grasp the task well but was happy it was done quickly. She then adds that she didn’t know that the flicks, flips, and flaps were also supposed to be entertaining.

Sophie’s flick, flip, and flap were measured to have a combined distance of 56.9 pigeons (5.69 metres), so she earns 2 points.

(Written by M3 / Andres Sanchez and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores