Episode 8: Tickled in two different ways

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Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must bring in the best conversation starter, make and model an extravagantly big outfit, make Tom Cashman a better man, identify the contents of some gloves, and toss their duck into a bathtub. Also, one lucky contestant is assigned a special task of laughing out loud for as long as possible.
Title context
Rhys Nicholson states “It really tickled me in two different ways” that Tom Gleeson had both said “suck up” and then gotten their pronouns right, during studio discussion of their attempt at the ‘Make Tom a better man’ task.
Taskmaster Intro
Hello and welcome to Taskmaster Australia. My name's Tom Gleeson, and I came up with this show all by myself, and I've got the paperwork to prove it. This is the only official version, so if you see any other Taskmasters out there around the world with different accents, doing whatever, they're frauds. Tonight, five of Australia's only comedians will be at my mercy as they attempt to win the official Taskmaster Trophy – an ancient Greek sculpture of the legendary Adonis himself, who, as it turns out, looks exactly like me. All five of our contestants have very similar heads and faces to the five contestants from all the previous episodes.
Assistant Intro
By my side, a man who loves being here with us, mostly because I locked him in the studio. It's Tom Cashman.
Taskmaster's Sign-off
And there you have it. Our eighth episode, done and dusted. But what did we learn? We learned that Aaron Chen is less concerned about climbing the comedy ladder, and more about wearing it. We learned that Concetta's boyfriend's brother's wife's pregnant. OMG! Yay! And we learned that Pete did one more task than everyone else. Lol! But most importantly, we learned Peter Helliar is the winner of episode eight. See you all next week!
Episode stats

Points Awarded

Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: Red Bee Media