
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Get the exercise balls into a small area at the top of a hill

  • In this task the contestants are instructed to get a collection of exercise balls up a hill and into a specified small area (sometimes a yoga mat).


In this version of the task the hill is within a wooded area.
In this version of the task the contestants have to put five exercise balls in the designated area, which is defined with a loop of orange rope.
In this version of the task the contestants have to get the exercise balls to the top of a small ski jump, built from snow, in the garden of the Taskmaster house. They are also explicitly prohibited from damaging the balls.
In this version of the task, it is specified that the balls must be inflated on the mat, and that the contestants must not be holding them on the mat with their hands.