
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Persuade animals to stand on the mat

  • In this task the contestants have to persuade animals to stand on a mat, so that there are a given number of legs upon it.
  • The animals may be birds or dogs and, in two cases, one of the contestants has had to deal with a different animal to the others, due to outbreaks of avian flu.

Adapted versions

In this version of the task, the contestants are instructed to get exactly 11 non-human feet onto the mat, which opens it up to the use of non-living objects with feet. While most of the contestants are provided with chickens, one is instead provided with puppies, due to an outbreak of avian flu.
In this version of the task, all of the contestants are instructed to get six chicken feet onto the mat. It is emphasised that the contestants must ‘convince’ the chickens to stand on the mat, and they are not allowed to actually touch the chickens.
In this version of the task, all five contestants get to work with chickens.