
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Get 11 non-human feet on the mat

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found laid on a circular red mat on the lawn of the Stormester house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Get exactly 11 non-human feet on the mat.

The 11 feet must be on the mat for three seconds.

You may not hold more than one chicken at any time.

Fastest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • For four of the contestants, there are a number of chickens running loose in the garden.
  • For Martin Johannes Larsen, however, there are puppies in the garden, as the task had to be adapted in response to an outbreak of avian flu.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Julie scatters some bird food on the mat and attempts to herd chickens onto it. She also manually picks up and places at least a couple of birds. She eventually manages to get just six of the chickens to stand on the mat, then grabs one of them and holds it so that just one of its feet is touching the surface. She completes the task in 8 minutes and 41 seconds, earning fourth place.
  • Martin encourages the dogs onto the mat through sounds and gestures, and also manually picks up and places some puppies on the mat. He eventually manages to get two puppies on the mat, and also three of their mother's feet. He completes the task in 5 minutes and 4 seconds, earning third place.
  • Eva is reluctant to deal with the chickens, for some reason believing that you can't just pick them up, and instead seeks out other types of non-human feet. First, she checks the branches of some trees, hoping to find insects. Not finding any, she states the claim that "There are no insects when it rains". Resigning herself to having to deal with the birds, she then realises that they each have two feet, and seems somewhat puzzled about how she is going to achieve an odd number. She tries to lasso a chicken with a crude rope loop, which only succeeds in scaring the chickens away. She then temporarily reverts to her insect plan, and attempts to buy some stick insects on her phone. She is then seen realising that non-living things can also have feet, so places the bathtub and a cake platter on the mat, achieving five feet, before attempting to herd three chickens on with a carpet beater to make it to 11. While she is on her phone, looking for an app to call the chickens on to the mat for her, three chickens wander onto the mat of their own accord. In the studio, Lasse uses Sebastian to fact-check Eva's claim about there being no insects when it rains but, despite his testimony to the contrary, she insists that they die when they get wet, and so "disappear". Mark reveals that Eva completed the task in 20 minutes and 37 seconds, which was more time that all four of the other contestants used, in total. He says that she spent 12 minutes of this time talking to the pet shop worker about how many feet a stick insect has. Eva earns last place in the task.
  • Sebastian makes a chicken noise at the chickens, and scatters grass on the mat as if he is distributing bird feed. This causes five chickens to run onto the mat, at which point Sebastian believes he has completed the task. When prompted to re-read the task by Mark, he realises his mistake. Grabbing one of the nearby GoPro cameras, which is mounted on a tripod, he places one foot of the tripod on the mat and repeats his tactic of pretending to distribute food, to get five chickens back on the mat. He completes the task in just 2 minutes and 34 seconds, earning second place.
  • Simon throws breadcrumbs onto the mat and calmly encourages the birds with his voice. With five chickens standing on the mat, and only one more foot required, another chicken miraculously places just one of its feet on the edge of the mat and remains standing that way for three seconds. Simon is thus able to complete the task in just 52 seconds, earning first place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)