
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Slap and tong

  • In this live studio task, the contestants are divided into teams and must play rounds of 'slap and tong' against each other.
  • In this game, one contestant must attempt to grab a marshmallow from a table while their opponent must attempt to slap the marshmallow off the table.
  • The 'slapper' may only reach across the table once the tong-wielder's hand is over the table.

Original version

Task types:

Adapted versions

This version of the task is not played in teams. Instead, every contestant gets to play twice, playing the 'slapper' and the 'tonger' once each.
In this version of the task, the contestants earn one actual episode point for each round their team wins.