
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Write something using bunting

  • In this task, the contestants enter a room to find bunting strung across the room, featuring seemingly random letters, and are instructed to compose a message about something using the letters.
  • Some of the letters on a specific colour of the bunting flags has been arranged to tell the contestants to look under the table.
  • If they look under the table, they will find a tablet on which there is a video, featuring the Taskmaster speaking a message which just happens to use all of the available letters.

Original version

In this version of the task, the contestants must attempt to create a stirring speech out of the letters on the bunting. Points are awarded based on the length of the messages created.


In this version of the task, the contestants must attempt to describe the show using the letters on the bunting. Points are awarded based on the accuracy of the message, rather than the character count.