Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!
Here are the results we found on TMI for your search query.
Task: Don’t get pineapple on the pizza (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Questions and lies (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Share a childhood memory via an auto-tuned microphone (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Make your sausage… (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Blow bubbles through the rings (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Create a caricature of Atle (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Make your balloon as heavy as possible (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Dance in the silent disco (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Lego or lasagna? (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Pop out of your box fourth (Kongen Befaler)