
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Beautifully destroy a cake

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Destroy this cake in the most beautiful way.

Most beautiful destruction wins.

You have 30 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Linda tells Mark that he needs to sit on the cake, but insists that his pants need to be down when he does so. Mark pulls down his pants and sits on the cake. To make it beautiful, Linda sings the Danish national anthem while Mark sits on the cake, embarrassed. When Mark stands up, Linda remarks that his butt has left a sort of “delicate heart” shape on the cake. Linda steals a bite of the cake and takes it with her when she leaves. Lasse says he appreciates Linda’s idea, and awards her third place.
  • Sofie says her first instinct is to sit on the cake, before dismissing the idea, saying that Linda will likely do it (she’s almost right!). She then debates putting her breasts on the cake instead. She finally decides to take the cake and Mark on a date. Outside, Sofie and Mark share a drink. When Mark cuts into the cake, Sofie turns on a leaf blower from below them, attempting to blow the entirety of the cake into Mark’s face; this doesn’t quite work. Lasse says that Sofie’s entry was an emergency solution because the first plan failed, and awards her last place.
  • Tobias enlists the help of Gertrud, one of the female members of the crew. Tobias wants her to help him create a beautiful love story, after which they will destroy the cake together. However, as he leaves the room, Tobias accidentally drops the cake, destroying it. Lasse appreciates the unpredictability of Tobias' solution, and awards him second place.
  • Simon sets up a small table in the lab so Mark can eat the cake. After Mark cuts a slice, Simon hits a can of compressed air that’s under the table, sending some of the cake into Mark’s face. Simon follows up with using the leaf blower to blow cinnamon all over the cake, then finishes by pouring a jar of herring onto the cake. In the studio, Simon reveals that he wanted to destroy not only the look, but the taste of the cake. The compressed air was meant to burst a bag of cayenne pepper and chili that was in the middle of the cake (it is unclear if it worked). Lasse agrees that Simon’s cake was destroyed, but was not beautiful, and awards Simon fourth place.
  • Jonas thinks that there is something beautiful about the joy of “running amok” in a cake. He enlists the help of two children who live near the Stormester house. After Jonas counts down, the two start smashing the cake into pieces, eating a bit, before starting a food fight. Jonas joins in, as does Mark. Lasse calls it a celebration of life, and awards Jonas first place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)