
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Don’t blink

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Don't blink.

Longest time without blinking wins.

Your time starts in 10 seconds.

Task notes

  • Just outside of the lab was a container of eye drops that the contestants were free to use for the task if they wanted.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Simon uses the eye drops, then holds his eyes open. He enlists Mark to refresh the eye drops for him as needed. Simon keeps his eyes open for 2 minutes 28 seconds and comes fourth.
  • Jonas uses the eye drops. He refreshes the eye drops himself, as needed. Jonas keeps his eyes open for 3 minutes 55 seconds and comes third.
  • Linda blinks almost immediately upon starting. When given another chance, she blinks almost immediately again. When given a third chance (likely just to get some funny footage), Linda turns away every time she needs to blink. In the studio, Lasse gives Linda a fourth chance; once again, she blinks almost immediately. Linda’s time is noted as 5 seconds (it was likely fewer), and she comes last.
  • Sofie holds her eyes open; she looks particularly demented when she does so. She enlists Mark to wrap her fingers in paper towels so she can wipe the tears away. After a few minutes, she lets go of her eyes to relieve some of her discomfort, and is able to keep her eyes open. She asks the cameraman if she can film something to possibly use later for a crying scene, and turns to the camera, asking Lasse why he has to be so mean, begging him to listen to her (Sofie will later use this footage in the “thought-provoking film” task, though it’s unclear whether that task was given to her before or after this task; based on her wardrobe, it was the same day). While wiping her nose, Sofie accidentally blinks. Sofie keeps her eyes open for 5 minutes 52 seconds and comes second
  • Tobias starts by holding his eyes open, almost immediately realising that this strategy was a mistake. He realises that he should have started with his eyes closed, and closes them, stating that blinking is defined by closing and opening one’s eyes. Tobias keeps his eyes closed for an entire hour before opening them again, and he wins the task, having not blinked for 1 hour 20 seconds.

(Source credit: Jenny R)