
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Convince a Swede that you are the most famous contestant

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Convince this Swede that you are the most famous contestant on Stormester.

Everything you say must be true.

The contestant who the Swede considers to be the most famous wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Linda starts by listing various TV shows that she’s done, before saying that she’s had seven one-woman shows. She then decides that the best way to convince Janne that she is famous is to talk about the other participants, then cannot think of anything remarkable that the other participants have done. There happens to be two members of the public watching the filming. Linda calls to them and asks if they know who she is; when they are able to name her, Linda smiles and says, “That’s how famous I am.” Janne ranks Linda as fourth most famous, as although there were people who knew who she was, she did not tell much about herself.
  • Tobias explains to Janne that he is a musician, but also an artist and a businessman. He says that he believes that his name has been used to try to convince the others to sign on. He shows Janne some of his music videos, and reveals that he is well known as musician in West Africa as well (in the studio, he reveals that his musician name in Ghana is Toby Tabu). Janne ranks Tobias as second most famous.
  • Jonas starts by explaining his stand-up career before his move to television. He tries to prove his popularity by looking up his watch statistics on some sort of online site, bragging that he is the ‘number 4’ most watched. He then lists various celebrities he has met, including Tom Hanks and Jorja Fox (whose name he cannot remember; he just remembers ‘Maggie from ER’). He brags that he has a gold card (20% discount) for a premiere burger restaurant; it’s card #165, so it’s only been given to 164 other people. Janne ranks Jonas as third most famous.
  • After being flustered for a few moments, Simon mentions that his last show was recorded at the prestigious Copenhagen Opera House, before moving on to bragging about how many views he has on Twitch. He brags that he has performed five one-man shows – in both Danish and English - has several hundred thousand followers (likely on Twitch), and was on the Russell Howard Show in the UK. Janne ranks Simon as the most famous, as he was most able to prove that he was a celebrity.
  • Sofie completely forgets that she’s only supposed to say true things to Janne. As such, Sofie brags that she recently interviewed the Queen of Denmark, and that she invented insulin. After eight minutes, Mark reminds Sofie that she still has time to tell Janne few things; if Sofie actually does say anything true to Janne, it is not shown. Janne ranks Sofie as the fifth most famous, but as she broke the rules, she is disqualified.

(Source credit: Jenny R)