
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hide the coconut inside the box

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Hide the coconut from Mark.

The coconut must be inside the square.

The most well-hidden coconut wins.

Mark will start looking for it in 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Tobias drags a cart of heavy items into the square, and scatters the objects around the space. He leaves the heavy cart in the middle of the square, and adds a large, heavy sign for good measure. He hides the coconut underneath one of the boards that form the square. Mark digs around in the square for a while; while stopping to rest, he just so happens to step on the part of the board where the coconut is hidden, realises that something feels off about it, and locates the coconut. Tobias keeps the coconut hidden for 8 minutes 30 seconds, and earns fourth place.
  • Linda’s strategy is to bury the coconut (which she does, in the corner of the square), and then trick Mark while he’s searching for it. When Mark begins searching, Linda informs him that there are a lot of squares around the area where they are (indeed, the task does not specify that the coconut must be hidden in the provided square!). Mark runs around, searching other square shaped areas for the coconut; Linda remarks to the camera that she genuinely did not believe him to be so stupid as to trust her. Eventually, Linda takes pity on Mark and informs him that the coconut is indeed in the provided square. Linda keeps the coconut hidden for 10 minutes 12 seconds, and earns third place.
  • Jonas drives a van into the middle of the square to block off most of Mark’s searching area (as well as provide new places to hide the van). If Jonas hid the keys from Mark, it is not shown, but eventually Mark drives the van out of the square. Mark alternates between searching the square and the van. Eventually, Mark remembers that Jonas was partially standing in the square when he began searching – it is then revealed that Jonas hid the coconut down his underwear. Mark picks up Jonas and shakes him; when the coconut does not fall out, Mark continues searching the square. Jonas remarks that Mark searches the van in a way that would annoy his wife; Mark proceeds to call Jonas' wife and ask where Jonas would hide a coconut – in the sand, in a car, or on his body? Jonas' wife says she thinks he would hide it on his body. Mark does a more thorough pat-down of Jonas, and finds the coconut. Jonas keeps the coconut hidden for 32 minutes, and earns second place.
  • Sofie has the idea to hide multiple coconuts in the space. She then shuffles around the entire arena to hide any tracks Mark may be able to follow. Mark checks the unburied coconuts before he starts digging – he just so happens to choose the area where the real coconut is hidden. He reveals that the real coconut has a specific marking on it, which he was looking for. Sofie keeps the coconut hidden for 1 minute 32 seconds, and earns last place.
  • Simon’s hiding process is not shown; instead, it starts with Mark arriving to start the search. We soon see why: Simon has hidden not only the coconut, but the square. Mark runs around looking for the square for an hour before giving up. In the studio, it is revealed that Simon disassembled the square and drove it to the nearby beach, where he reassembled the square in the water and threw the coconut into it. Simon wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)