
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Draw the monster described by the Taskmaster

Task types:
Single brief
Winner takes all?

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Draw the monster described by the Taskmaster.

The most beautiful and accurate drawing of the monster wins.

Task notes

  • Lasse's description of the monster goes as follows:
    The sour monster has three arms.
    Two of the arms are lumpy.
    The monster has two eyes, and two more eyes.
    And a leg.
    And two more eyes.
    She has a huge tusk, which looks like a tree.
    The monster is peeing, and waving, and holding a cake, and is striped and very relaxed and has three more legs.
    And she’s doing jumping jacks.
    She has a dog that is small and tousled and red and black, and lacks one leg.
    Actually, the monster only has two eyes.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • In reviewing Linda's drawing, Lasse notes that he can see that the monster is holding a cake, and that it used to have several eyes (she has crossed many of them out). He notes that the arms and legs are not correct, and that it is not striped. Linda earns no points.
  • In reviewing Simon's drawing, he notes that he can see that it has four legs, pees, and is doing a jumping jack. He notes that it has one eye, unless there is a tusk in its eye. Simon earns no points.
  • In reviewing Sofie's drawing, Lasse notes that the monster has a dog, but he has no idea where the monster's body or eyes are. Sofie earns no points.
  • In reviewing Jonas' drawing, Lasse notes that the monster has about the right number of arms, and two eyes, and holds a cake, and is doing a jumping jack. He also points out that the dog is red and black. He judges that Jonas' monster most resembles what he had in his mind, so Jonas wins the five points.
  • Tobias is the only contestant who writes down what Lasse is saying (though he starts drawing midway through). In reviewing Tobias' drawing, Lasse notes that there is "a lot going on", but that there are also things that have not been fixed. Tobias earns no points.

(Source credit: Jenny R)