
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Draw the biggest bike

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in Mark's playhouse, where it is leant against a miniature bicycle on the table. The brief for the task is as follows:

Draw a large bike.

Largest bike wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Julie decides to try to trace out the shape of a bicycle using GPS while riding a bike around the neighbourhood. Mark tries to keep up with her on his own undersized bicycle. Unfortunately for Julie, her GPS bike drawing doesn't end up looking much like a bicycle, as it has square wheels. Lasse therefore disqualifies her from the task for not drawing a recognisable bicycle.
  • Sebastian decides to spray-paint a giant bicycle on the grass of a football pitch. However, his drawing of the bike is a front view, so it looks more like a letter 'T'. Lasse therefore disqualifies him from the task for not drawing a recognisable bicycle.
  • Eva draws a bike on a piece of glass (presumably taken from a picture frame), and then moves it through a miniature village she has constructed using model buildings and plastic figurines of people and animals. While Lasse appreciates the illusion that Eva was trying to create, he says she broke the illusion by appearing in the frame herself. Nevertheless, with the disqualifications of three other contestants, Eva ends up earning second place in the task.
  • Simon draws a representation of the planet Earth on a piece of paper, including a scale (1:12,000,000) for reference, and then draws his bike stretching across the globe, claiming that it measures 13,326km, from front to back wheel. In the studio, Sebastian and Eva argue that it's actually just a small bike, and that the scale on the map doesn't make any difference. Lasse counters, however, that the task is to draw the largest bike, not the largest drawing of a bike, and that adding a scale for the drawing is therefore perfectly acceptable. Simon therefore wins the task, after Martin is disqualified for taking too long.
  • Martin is seen visiting space in a rocket ship (wearing an American football helmet), in his video. He is dropped off by the ship and calls Mark on his phone, accidentally stating that it only took him an hour to get there. He then draws a bicycle in space, on the scale of the Milky Way. Lasse accepts that the bike drawn was the biggest, but then points out that the contestants only had 20 minutes to complete the task. He therefore disqualifies Martin from the task for taking too long, by his own admission.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)