
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make a realistic injury using food

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is laid upon the desk in the study. The brief for the task is as follows:

Make a realistic injury with food.

You have 10 minutes to make a shopping list, and 20 minutes to make the injury.

Most realistic and brutal injury wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Mark waits behind the door of the study, as the contestants come in, to pretend that they have hit him with it.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Eva opts to use the alternative meaning of the word 'skade', since the word can mean both 'injury' and 'magpie'. Equipped with a plucked chicken (with its head remaining attached to the body) and a variety of other foodstuffs, she attempts to turn the chicken into a convincing magpie. The resulting pile of dead bird and food is not pretty and - as Lasse points out - actually looks less like a bird than it did when she began. She then begins eating lemon cake with her hands, after handling raw chicken, and seems confused why Mark does not want to join her. Lasse agrees with Sebastian that her creation does not resemble a magpie, and awards her last place.
  • Martin opts to use the alternative meaning of the word 'skade', since the word can mean both 'injury' and 'magpie'. Equipped with a large lump of marzipan and a variety of sweets and savoury snacks, he attempts to create a convincing magpie. He places his finished sculpture on a pile of leaves before painting much of it black with something presumably edible. He earns third place for his effort.
  • Julie and Mark are seen exiting the back of the Stormester house and performing a scene where Julie decides to jump off the raised patio and onto the lawn, rather than taking the steps. She is then heard screaming and seen sat on the lawn, clutching what is meant to be a broken leg. It's unclear what she used to create the injury, but it could be pastry, cheese and tomato ketchup. Lasse highlights how pale the skin on her broken leg is, noting that's its almost as if she'd only recently had a cast removed from the leg after a previous break. She earns fourth place for her effort.
  • Sebastian and Mark are seen playing a game of badminton in the garden of the Stormester house, with Sebastian smashing the shuttlecock so hard into Mark's face that he is knocked down with an apparently severe skull injury. In the studio, Mark reveals that his injury was achieved by applying actual entrails to his faces, on a hot summer day. Sebastian earns second place for his effort.
  • Mark appears as the injured party in Simon's video, falling asleep with his bald head under a desk lamp, while trying to put a ship in a bottle. By the time Simon appears in the room to wake him up, he has apparently experienced a traumatic burn to his scalp. It's unclear how the injury was created, but it appears to have involved the use of some kind of sliced meat. Simon earns first place for his realistic injury.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)