
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lie down

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The task brief is presented on a red pillow on top of a plinth on the dock. The briefs for the task are as follows:

To Mel:

Lie down.

You may only speak in English for the duration of the task.

If you wear any additional hats, your points will be halved for each hat you put on.

If you bring any harm to native flora or fauna, you must apologise to them before continuing.

You must not consume and caffeine at any time, as that may affect your speed and give you an unfair advantage.

If you have any questions about the task, you may ask them now.

Fastest to lie down wins.

[Your time started when you opened the task].

To Ray:

Lie down.

You may not say the word 'spaghetti' more than once.

If you go swimming, you will be eliminated.

If you sit on a chair, you will lose two points.

You are allowed to hurt Paul's feelings, but you aren't allowed to cross the line.

You must wear the clothes you are wearing now at all times.

If you commit a crime while attempting the task, you'll be tried by a court of law and judged by a jury of your peers, and will potentially be sent to jail.

If you have any questions about the task, you may ask them now.

Fastest to lie down wins.

Your time started when you [opened the task].

Task notes

  • Each contestant was given a slightly different task brief to read, though they supposedly all consisted of the same number of characters.
  • The task briefs transcribed here as seen to be read by Ray and Mel are not the same length in characters, so presumably some parts were edited out for the episode.
  • Also, the exact wording of the final line is not known, as Mel skipped it, and Ray stopped reading after he realised what the point of the task was.

Task stats



Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.