Pineapple bluff

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Pass the three pineapples among yourselves during the 15 seconds in which Babben closes her eyes and takes a little break.
When Babben then opens her eyes, she will say if you have a pineapple or not.
Whoever has tricked Babben the most times after three rounds wins.

Task notes
- This task takes place during the ‘Middle of the Show’ segment, as a game titled ‘Göm Ananaser’ (‘Hide Pineapples’).
- The contestants are lined up side-by-side on the stage.
- David distributes three whole pineapples to them.
- Babben covers her eyes with an eye mask on a stick while the contestants are passing around and hiding their pineapples upon themselves.
Task stats


It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!