Have as much fun as possible / Exactly recreate your fun

Task types:

Task briefs
The briefs for the task are as follows:
Have fun.
You have two minutes.
Then you await the next task.
Your time starts now.
Exactly recreate your previous task solution.
Most accurate recreation wins.
You have two minutes.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Anders introduces Mark and tells him to do some stand-up for his amusement. When Mark asks for more explicit instructions as to what kind of jokes to tell, Anders tells him to just improvise, and provides another introduction for Mark. He ties for first place.
- As Neel has small children, her idea of having fun is to just lay down. She tells Mark to sit down next to her, and puts her head in his lap, wondering when the last time she was where all she did was just lay down. After a few moments, she suggests that she and Mark have a drink together, and the two run into the house. She ties for first place.
- Annika plays tag with Mark in the yard. During the recreation, she even reminds him of the path he took while they were running. The two then swing on the swing set together. She ties for first place.
- Jakob sources some food from the house, and has fun by throwing it at Mark, urging him to catch it in his mouth. Lasse points out the small flaw in Jakob’s attempt; in one version, he throws food with his right hand, and in the other, he throws with his left hand. He ties for second place.
- Mahamad runs into the shed and finds a hoverboard. Declaring “safety first,” he puts on a helmet and rides the hoverboard around the grass. He accidentally falls in his original footage, and purposefully falls in his recreation. Lasse points out the small flaw in Mahamad’s attempt; namely, in his original footage, Mahamad wore a bike helmet, while in the recreation it’s a construction helmet. Mahamad (jokingly) accuses the production of sabotage, claiming that they’d hidden the original helmet from him. He ties for second place.
(Source credit: Jenny R)