Wait a while / Guess how long Per waited

Task types:

Task briefs
The briefs for the task are as follows:
To Per:
Put on blindfolds and headphones.
Sit down and wait on the chair.
The one who waits the longest wins.
Your time starts when David taps you on the shoulder.
To everyone except Per:
How long did Per wait? You have 10 seconds to write down your guesses.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
- This task took place during the ‘middle of the show’ segment, in a game titled ‘Vänta’ [‘Wait a while’].
- The task was introduced with a video showing Per Andersson being assigned a task in which he was given headphones and a blindfold, and instructed to wait as long as possible.
- The headphones are revealed to be playing a short loop of saxophone music over and over during the task.
- Pers earns one point for every full 15 minutes he waits, while the others earn points for most accurately guessing the total length of his wait.
- Short segments of video of Per waiting are cut back to intermittently throughout the episode.
- The full, unedited video of Per’s attempt in that solo task was released as a bonus episode at the same time as the first competition episode.
Task stats


It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!